Feb 5, 2012

Visual Storytelling from Africa

My friend Steph has been encouraging me to check out Hornlight, a relatively new site that serves as "a platform to share diverse, complex and nuanced narratives on the Horn of Africa". I finally did and was blown away. Hornlight exhibits the range and the depth of stories from the communities of the Horn of Africa, which fail to be represented accurately in mainstream media.

Especially of interest to me was a series discussing how photographic images (particularly in the news) can continue a harmful, shallow narrative about the most pressing issues in the region, such as famine. We know that spending more time with a subject allows a more complex visual story to be told but so often the 24-hour news cycle demands quantity over quality. Feed your brain with something more nourishing. I recommend starting here.

Life Without Lights from Peter DiCampo on Vimeo.

(not from Hornlight nor the region, but an interesting and well-done short video on "Life Without Lights" in Ghana...)

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