Jul 10, 2011


"And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human being is the most valuable thing in the world... I can understand why a system built on a pattern must try to destroy the free mind, for that is one thing which can by inspection destroy such a system. Surely I can understand this, and I hate it and I will fight against it to preserve the one thing that separates us from the uncreative beasts. If the glory can be killed, we are lost" - John Steinbeck

My friend Pete lent me his copy of Steinbeck's East of Eden, which I've been slowly making my way through over the past couple weeks. I read the above passage yesterday which particularly struck a chord with me, as I prepare (read: cram) for the GRE next Saturday. I've never been particularly good at standardized testing but understand its utility. At least Kaplan is telling me to. Funny true quote from my Kaplan study guide, "Too many people think of standardized tests as cruel exercises in futility, as the oppressive instruments of a faceless societal machine. People who think this way usually don't do very well on these tests". Yikes - got it.

What are your thoughts on standardized testing? What value do you think it has, if any? I'm curious to hear your thoughts!

Just a note - my activity on this blog for the next week will be minimal. Catch you on the flip side and in the meantime, let your free minds soar!

(photo credit: unknown)

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